Small & Diverse Business Standards
Small Business Standards
The Phase III Renovation project adopted the Nevada State Senate Bill 1 (SB1) definition of “Small Business,” abiding by the criteria therein established. Vendors interested in qualifying for the BIDS Program and contributing to the Phase III Project under the Small Business designation can access the SB1 requirements via the link below.
Diverse Business Standards
Hunt-Penta V, a Joint Venture (Hunt-Penta) recognizes the importance of diversity within the LVCC Phase III Project implementation. In addition to meeting the Senate Bill 1 (SB1) requirement, the BIDS program is focused on maximizing engagement of Minority, Women, and Veteran-Owned Businesses. Certified Diverse Vendors interested in qualifying for the BIDS Program and contributing to the Phase III Project under the Diverse Business designation can find a list of accepted certifications and certifying agencies below.
Primary Certifications
Certifying Organization
Accepted Certification(s)
- VOSB: Veteran-Owned Small Business
- SDVOSB: Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
- VBE: Veteran’s Business Enterprise
- SDVBE: Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise
- MBE: Minority Business Enterprise (accept certification only; do not accept registered or listed)
- VOB: Veteran-Owned Business
- SDVOB: Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business
- MBE: Minority Business Enterprise
- WBE: Women Business Enterprise
- VBE: Veteran Business Enterprise
- WOSB: Women-Owned Small Business
- EDWOSB: Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
- WOSB: Women-Owned Small Business
- EDWOSB: Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
- Do not accept SDB, HUBZone, SDVOSB
- NWBE: National Women’s Business Enterprise
- IWBE: International Women’s Business Enterprise
- WOSB: Women-Owned Small Business
- EDWOSB: Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
- WBE: Women’s Business Enterprise
- WOSB: Women-Owned Small Business
- EDWOSB: Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
Supplementary Certifications
Certifying Organization
Accepted Certification(s)
Disability:IN Former USBLN: US Business Leadership Network
- DOBE: Disability-Owned Business Enterprise
- DBE: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
- Do not accept SBE
- LGBTBE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Business Enterprise
- 8(a) Business Development Program for Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Entities